Learn About Our Plano Dentist Practice
Alexander Dental is committed to providing patients in Plano and surrounding areas with the highest quality and best service in dental care. We are confident that you will feel right at home in our office as we welcome all patients as if they were family. In order to do so, Dr. Kasiri and our team pride ourselves on staying committed to these core values:
Delivering Results
At the end of the day, results are what matter. Plano dentist Dr. Alexander Kasiri has over 20 years of experience and keeps himself ahead of the curve by attending numerous continuing education classes. His wealth of knowledge combined his attention to detail ensures patients get the best possible treatment.
Commitment to Service
For some patients, visiting a dentist is an uncomfortable trip. We know that. In order to alleviate some of the stress, we created relaxed atmospheres in our Plano office with a caring staff that will make you feel comfortable throughout your dental treatment.
Patient Education
From basic procedures to the most advanced, we can’t begin without making patients feel absolutely comfortable with us and our services. To create and maintain a high level of trust, we constantly keep an open dialogue with our patients. By educating them on all of the various treatment options available, Plano dentist Dr. Alexander Kasiri can create a dental plan that is right for their unique needs.
Staying Current
When choosing a dentist in Plano, it’s important to make sure they stay current with new procedures and technology as the dental industry evolves. Our team stays current by attending continuing education classes, traveling to major conferences, and reading up on the latest industry literature. Additionally, our state-of-the-art Plano dental office utilizes the most advanced technology available to ensure our patients are taken care of to the best of our ability.
Additional Practice Information
If you’d like to make an appointment, please contact our Plano, Texas dental office by calling 972-509-9399 or schedule one online by clicking here. All patients are welcome.
We will submit all insurance forms for you and help you recover the most from your benefits. We will do everything we can to help you afford the treatment you need and want. For patients who require major work, we have several payment options, including CareCredit and the Dental Fee Plan. Forms of payment accepted by the office are check, cash, or any major credit card.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with at least 24 hours’ notice. We ask for this advance notice so that we can offer this appointment to another patient. A fee will be charged if a patient does not show up for an appointment without sufficient notice.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing our practice for your dental care.